The Claim:
A new essay published in the British Medical Journal claims that for young adults, the risks outweigh the benefits of COVID vaccination.
The Facts:
The above proposition flies in the face of the scientific method. The cardiologist is incorrect to fill in the gap of unexplained causes (in this case of cardiac events) with the vaccine. His is an argument from ignorance. If he believes that the vaccine is causing all these cardiac events, he needs to prove that they are instead of pointing to events with no known cause.
This essay’s authors are COVID minimalists who have made their names looking for reasons to dismiss COVID diseases and refuse COVID vaccination. This essay is more of the same: downplaying COVID, and overstating the risks of the vaccine.
COVID vaccines have been associated with an increased risk of myocarditis in young males. COVID infection, though, dramatically increases the risk of serious complications to such a level that the two aren’t comparable. Myocarditis after vaccination is usually mild and self-limiting, whereas myocarditis after infection can be severe and take much longer to recover from.
This preprint estimates that “vaccinating one million 18-25 year-old males would prevent 82,484 cases, 4,766 hospitalizations, 1,144 ICU admissions, and 51 deaths due to COVID-19, compared to 128 vaccine-attributable myocarditis/pericarditis cases, 110 hospitalizations, zero ICU admissions, and zero deaths.” The benefits of COVID vaccination among teenage and young adult males absolutely dwarfs its risks.
Disclaimer: Science is always evolving and our understanding of these topics may have evolved too since this was originally posted. Be sure to check out our most recent posts and browse the latest Just the Facts Topics for the latest.

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