Why I Vax
Why vaccinate? Voices for Vaccines members explain why they vax! Submit your Why I Vax photo today.
Vaccines save millions and millions of lives! I get vaccinated for my health and the health of those around me - as well as wider society.
I immunize because I don't want to be sick, and I really don't want to get others sick. I immunize because I believe in the science of vaccination, and I've seen the history that came before my public health heroes started making them.
I’ve been a NICU RN for over 40 years working with the vulnerable immune compromised newborns. I feel it is essential to protect them, and others, by ensuring they are safe and from exposure to illnesses that are preventable. Having been in medicine for so many years, I know vaccines are safe.
I immunize to protect myself and my family from getting sick and help to lower the burden on the healthcare system.
I vaccinate because I genuinely believe vaccines save lives.
I got my COVID vaccine at the end of 2023 because I got sick two years in a row a few weeks before Christmas, and I was tired during the holidays and didn't want to feel that way anymore.