The Claim:
A well-known American environmental lawyer tweets that the Gardasil HPV vaccine increases cervical cancer risks in vaccinated age groups just as COVID vaccines raise the risk of COVID.
The Facts:
RFK Jr. is known for promoting anti-vaccine propaganda and conspiracy theories unsubstantiated by scientific evidence. These claims about HPV and COVID vaccines are no exception. Studies demonstrate that HPV vaccine has dramatically reduced cervical cancer in vaccinated women just as COVID vaccines reduced the risk of dying from COVID.
A compelling Swedish study of 1.7 million women demonstrates an almost 90% reduction in cervical cancer rates in the vaccinated population versus the unvaccinated population. RFK Jr. discounts the Swedish study because it is an observational study, and not a randomized controlled trial (RCT). He claims that only RCTs can adequately negate the potential bias of retrospective or observational studies. Although he is correct that inherent bias is an issue, it is an issue for every type of study—including RCTs. All three types of studies are vulnerable to inherent bias, but steps can be taken to assess and avoid bias.
RFK Jr.’s objections to the Swedish study are not compelling. He tries to suggest that the drastic cervical cancer reduction might be merely the result of HPV-vaccinated women being generally healthier than unvaccinated women. The authors of the study disagree; they attribute the significantly reduced risk of cervical cancer to HPV vaccination.
In addition to claiming that the HPV vaccine fails to prevent cervical cancer, RFK Jr. suggests that HPV-vaccinated populations engage in riskier sexual behavior. He tries to argue that his “riskier behavior” belief supports his claim that the HPV vaccine is correlated with higher rates of cervical cancer. But his belief is not supported by data. In fact, studies have shown that HPV vaccination is not associated with riskier sexual behavior.
Disclaimer: Science is always evolving and our understanding of these topics may have evolved too since this was originally posted. Be sure to check out our most recent posts and browse the latest Just the Facts Topics for the latest.

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