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Death by someone else’s vaccine

The Claim:

The family of a YouTube political pundit is claiming that the heart failure that killed her was caused by COVID-19 vaccine shedding.

The Facts:

Despite the sister’s claims that the COVID vaccine caused this YouTube star’s death, the death certificate attributed it to heart disease due to high blood pressure.

Why does the family believe this ardent anti-vaxxer might have sustained this alleged damage from a vaccine she never took? According to the sister, the cause was vaccine shedding, a concept often misunderstood by many. Shedding happens when a live virus replicates in your body and then spreads to others. That’s why viruses are contagious.

Some specific vaccines use live but weakened viruses that usually do not cause illness. These can also shed in very specific ways and usually don’t cause illness in people with functioning immune systems. COVID vaccines, however, aren’t live vaccines and do not shed, as there is no virus to shed. People aren’t dying suddenly from the COVID vaccine itself, let alone from vaccine shedding.

Disclaimer: Science is always evolving and our understanding of these topics may have evolved since this was originally posted. Browse the latest information posted in Just the Facts Topics.

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