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Turbo cancer rumors

The Claim:

AĀ Twitter influencerĀ noticed that someone elseā€™s colleague noticed that younger women are being diagnosed with aggressive forms of breast cancer, or what they are termingĀ turbo cancers. What do they claim is the cause? ā€œThe dysregulation of the immune responses and the suppression of the immune system by these genetic-based injections.ā€

The Facts:

While breast cancer is not as common in younger women as it is in older women, when it is diagnosed in younger women, itĀ tends to beĀ more aggressiveĀ and have worse outcomes. Neither the doctor nor the colleague making the claim of a rise in ā€œturbo cancerā€ backs up their claims with any verifiable scientific evidence. TheirĀ anecdotal claims have noĀ controls or evidence of causation.

While one of theĀ leading causes of death in 2022Ā wasĀ cancer, one of theĀ leading causes of death inĀ 2020Ā was alsoĀ cancer. 2020 was, of course, beforeĀ theĀ vaccine even came out. Same inĀ 2019. And inĀ 2018.

AĀ study, which claims thatĀ theĀ spike protein fromĀ the virusĀ (notĀ theĀ vaccine) impairs theĀ DNAā€™s repair mechanismā€“which could cause cancerā€“contradictsĀ previousĀ studiesĀ and has been retracted.

Disclaimer: Science is always evolving and our understanding of these topics may have evolved since this was originally posted. Browse the latest information posted in Just the Facts Topics.

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