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Do COVID increase all-death mortality?

The Claim:

A new video claims that data from the Czech Republic shows that Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine increases all-cause mortality by over 50% compared to Pfizer’s vaccine, suggesting that both vaccines are unsafe and calling for an immediate halt to their use. 

The Facts:

This video pulls information from this substack article by optical mouse inventor Steve Kirsch. All the related data can be found here (requires a download).

As University of Pennsylvania Biostatistics Professor Jeffrey Morris points out, Kirsch did not use any data from unvaccinated individuals, only looking and comparing all-cause mortality
(ACM) in vaccinated people.

While Kirsch claims that Moderna increased ACM more than Pfizer did, he neglected to compare either vaccine to no vaccine (or the vaccinated to the unvaccinated). When Morris did so, he found that ACM was higher in the unvaccinated group than in either group of vaccinees.

Kirsch asserts that the only explanation for the Czech data is that the Moderna vaccine is deadlier than the Pfizer vaccine. However, Morris found in the data a higher rate of comorbidities in those who received Pfizer than in those who received Moerna (7.4% vs 3.7%). As we get more data, we will know if that statistic holds.

Disclaimer: Science is always evolving and our understanding of these topics may have evolved since this was originally posted. Browse the latest information posted in Just the Facts Topics.

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