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“I read this awful story about a girl who got that vaccine and…”

Yep, social media and vaccines: the intersection where the worst information spreads the fastest and friendships end. We’ve all been there.

It’s not all bad news. Social media can help us learn more about vaccines hesitancy and vaccines confidence, and we can work social media algorithms to help parents find good information. In fact, never before has it been easier to consult the world’s best experts, thanks to social media.

To find out more, we invited Dr. Jen Golbeck of the Social Intelligence Lab at the University of Maryland, College Park to be our guest and explain what she knows about the social media.

Even those who consider themselves internet neophytes will find Dr. Golbeck’s insights fascinating, so please listen.

And hey! While you are here, we are hoping to collect a ton of new photos of people wearing our National Immunization Awareness Month t-shirts in order to share them in our Why I Choose gallery. All proceeds help Voices for Vaccines continue its programming.

And if you want more content about advocating for vaccines on and offline check out our Vaccine Hesitancy Toolkit and our Family Advocacy Toolkit.

Subscribe now at Apple Podcasts, Google Play, PodBean or Stitcher. You can also listen to these episodes on Cast.

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