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Overcoming Pneumoccocal Meningitis

It’s not a disease I thought I would ever get, especially at the age of 51.

Meningitis — A Poem for Prevention

I had this slight headache throughout the day; didn't recognize the faint scent of death's bouquet.

I lost my son to MenB. Today, there’s a vaccine.

Over spring break, Henry decided to spend time with me. Just six days later, the world as we knew it would never be the same.
Tara Cort as a small child

What Happened After I Got Meningitis

Tara Court had meningitis at age three. Learn more about her memories from that time and what she wants you to know.

My Child Turned 8. Then Survived Meningitis.

I told my doctor about what I thought was a heat rash. What happened next still gives me nightmares.

Losing a Child: Unless You Lived It, You Don’t Know What It’s Like

Every year on the anniversary of Kimberly's death, her mother, Patti, bakes Italian rainbow cookies and places them on the tiny beach she's created on…

Vaccines and Autism: One Doctor’s Personal Story

There has been a lot of talk since 1998 as to whether vaccines cause autism.  Though I have been loath to enter this conversation, it…

Tikkun Olam: Emily’s Story

My journey began one Thursday night at about 10:00 p.m.  Until  I lived in somewhat of a bubble.  I felt invincible.  I felt blessed with…

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