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Clint Johnson, a white man with a salt-and-pepper beard and glasses

How Anti-Vax Myths Can Appeal to Autism Parents

My son was diagnosed with autism at age three. I soon found myself falling down the conspiracy rabbit hole. 

Becoming Pro-Vaccine was Hard

I wanted to vaccinate. But you can't instantly conquer years of overwhelming fear and false beliefs.
A cartoon of people playing a game show with photos of the heads of Heather Simpson, Paul Offit, and Dan Wilson badly photoshopped onto the bodies.

Ep. 74: Game Night

Put your Google down, and join our Vax Ambassadors for some fun! Each month, our Vax Ambassadors meet to learn something new about vaccines. This…

Fear and the Anti-Vaccine Movement

Flooded with guilt and fear, I vowed to never vaccinate myself or my family ever again. That's how the anti-vaccine movement hooks you in.

Leaving Denialism Behind: My 20 Year Journey

I was anti-vaccine before it went mainstream. Before COVID, before Wakefield, and before even the internet.

How Misinfo Hospitalized My Toddler

Rumors from other parents convinced me not to vaccinate my son. I found out the truth when he landed in the hospital.

Ep. 50: Switching Sides!

Don't worry! We aren't switching sides. Heather Simpson, former anti-vaccine influencer, already switched sides. She took a look at the science and decided she needed…

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